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Arevig (prénom)

Arevig is a name for girls. The name is a form of Arevik and originates from Arménien. On our website 3 people with the name Arevig rated their name with 5 stars(out of 5). So they seem very satisfied! In our language some people struggle with the pronunciation of the name. English speakers can struggle with the pronunciation of this name. Nicknames for Arevig are Arev, Nounouchig and Petit Soleil.
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Meaning of Arevig

The meaning of Arevig is not known to us.


3 people with the name Arevig voted on their name. Please vote on your name too.


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Prononciation en 'anglais

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Arevig occurs in the following categories:
Prénoms de fille commençant par A 250 nomsNoms arméniens 108 noms

1 commentaires

Arevig 24 ans   22-03-2014
Mon prénom signifie : Petit soleil.

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